speech of 5 min on advantages and disadvantages of lockdown
Points to include (below)
- Family time
- Pursing old and new hobbies
-Get to know yourself
- Realization of need to be hygienic, be aware, to follow rules
-Making do with things
-Schooling hours
-Forced need of technology ----> buy wifi packages, buy gadgets ----> helps the already failing economy
- Those with troubles families are shunned inside their home
- Nervous, Medical conditions
- Distractions, forgetting the important to study, learn etc
- Closing yourself off from the rest of the world; depressive, suicidal thoughts
- Want to let go, to break free; anxiety, hyperactivity
- Hospitals over due
- Jobs lost
- Might lead to a recession
- Education might get side-tracked
-Literally missing one entire year (or more) of your life
Guys, even after all this, this lock down is what you make of it- keep smiling