History, asked by yashika4552, 1 year ago

speech of mesolithic age​


Answered by kamnajain26



Mesolithic is referred as the middle age of stone. In India, it is richer in the matter of quality and quantity and it is the preceding age stage of Stone Age, which is described as the Paleolithic age.

The Paleolithic age has made the great revolution in the industries and the involvement of this stone in the industries is happening from the history.

India is the second cultural phase of the Mesolithic culture and Pleistocene.

Who discovered the Mesolithic age

The Carllayle has discovered the Indian microlithism, which was first marked by him, early 1867 from the Vindhyan rock-shelter.

The Cockburn and Rivett Carnac discovered more microlithic sites. They were the great scholars, who considered these industries as ‘Proto-Neolithic

There are the more systematic studies were initiated by the Prehistoric Archaeologist like, Sankalia, Zeuner, Krishnaswami, Lal Subarao, Allchin, Malik and others.

Industries in Middle stone age

It is the industries are survived in many areas and after certain times, it dawn at least in the historic times, it was showing the transition from Paleolithic industries to a more advanced type of industries.

During the probability of the end of Paleolithic age from the industry, it was witnessed by the Country of Asia, Africa, Europe and also the India has also attend the climate change of the stone age.

Losses during climatic change

Because of the climatic change in the several cities create bad effects on the human being also and they bear the many losses of life.

In the form of Microlithis, archaeological evidence of this environment has widespread during the climate change, but that was not supported by stratigraphical, geo-chronological and palaeo-biological data.

Significance of Middle stone age

It has the great cultural significance, which is carried on short level. There are some great people have thinks and stated about the significance of the Middle stone age, which are follows as:

According to Stuart Piggott, “The Indian Microlithic industries have not get any site in a geological deposit of known age or in such stratigraphical relationship to earlier human industries that a connection with the final phases of Paleolithic cultures can be shown”.

According to Sankalia, in India, the term ‘Mesolithic’ stands for the Late Stone Age because it does not bear the same stratigraphic, chronological, typological and economic significance as in other parts of the world, particularly like England, Western and Northern Europe, parts of Africa and the Palestine.

The term may conventionally be applied in India, to denote a cultural stage, which is represented by Microlithic industry and not associated with pottery. It also antedates the earliest farming-based village cultures.

According to Robert Bruce Foote, these tiny implements Microliths in the Neolithic period, he coined the term Proto-Neolitic to refer the culture of the regions where Microliths had occurred with potsherd. According to definitely denotes a higher state of life.

The evidences of ‘Mesolithic stage’ in India are quantitatively and qualitatively richer than the preceding stage of Stone Age, the Paleolithic Age.

In certain areas, these industries have survived at lea

Features of Middle Stone Age

The first striking feature is that microlithism is totally absent in north India. Bridget Allchin made a futile attempt to co-relate the late Sohan industry of the north with the microlithic studded Nevasian culture of central India. Typological dissimilarities in both the cultures made it an idea of ‘academic significance’.

The second characteristic feature is that the sudden disappearance pebble tools which were conspicuous in the preceding cultures.

The third feature is that the heavier tools could not be discovered in the microlithic assemblages, excepting a few sites in Western and Central India.

Hope it helps

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