English, asked by pratha25, 1 year ago

speech on as an elected head girl or boy of school?


Answered by sowmy635
hello hi everyone, 

my names is naomi and some of you may know me alot of you may not, but regardless of that hi am Naomi and at least now you know me. I'd like you to vot for me as head girl becayse all of you sitting here want to be leaders nobody want to be a follower but to lead you must learn to follow and have the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions but also the compassion and modesty to listen before you leap and know that you are no better than the people that put you in such a high place of authority. You must have a mind that is open, creative and focused. you must set goals and not promise to achieve them because promises are made to be broken but set those goals with the intention of achieveing those goals. This is what i know i stand for and I believe above all these qualities that i have stated the most important of them all is to be real and not project a false image of yourselfto be the kind of person that people in lower years would not be afraid to say hi to when walking by in the corridor. to be able to work in a team and set a foundation and build on that foundation not as an individual but as a team. Rome was not built in a day and neither did IGS achieve such greatness in a year. So a vote for me is a vote for modesty, a vote for me is a vote for the team, a vote for me is a vote for OUR future.


neha2928: sry,but its not appropriate
Answered by Hasini1231
Having spent the past year as a member of the Student Council has made me realize the importance of being involved in student affairs. Our school has provided me with the skills to enable me to stand for election as Head Boy. I would like to give back to the school and make my contribution to its success. I would be honoured to be given the opportunity to serve and lead our team.

If I get elected as Head boy, there are numerous things I’d like to accomplish. Firstly, I believe that improving the relationship between younger and older students is of major importance. A newcomer or a student from the lower classes should feel confident enough with older members of the school community. This is achieved by organising more sports events, where students are involved, giving them the opportunity to meet new people while passing their time joyfully.
Moreover new events that have to do with local customs and traditions like Tsiknopempti could be introduced bringing closer students and staff.
Lastly, student voice is important to be strong and so it can be strengthen even further, with a number of possible improvements such as sending regular questionnaires to each year group enabling students to express their views on life within the school terraces.  
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