English, asked by tamanna4935, 11 months ago

speech on ‘book let you travel without moving your feet'​


Answered by evitaanita392

I believe there are situations in every traveller’s life – actually every single person’s life when you just can’t travel. No matter how hard you try, you can’t let go of the feeling that the universe has entrapped you in circumstances; where you just can’t run to everything (I believe I am running towards things, experiences and everything that might fade away in the blink of an eye. For some though, travel is a means of escape.).

It might be education, maybe your loved one(s), perhaps a job or like me found yourself in a severe road accident which left you in bedrest and in rehab for an elongated time (Stop right there! I sense a form of mental pity forming as you read this, but chill – life is GOOD). Yes, these seemingly little things and choices; do have a huge impact on which path your life will take.

Alright, I admit, the title is a bit misleading (don’t take the title literally, I am not a Magician); but it’s some real talk right here. So, here are some non-magical ways to travel without moving an inch:

PS- If you have TARDIS please contact me.


How To Travel The World Without Moving An Inch

Where has the language made you travel today?

Ever been completely mesmerised by a culture and the way they speak in a particular place? Curious about a particular place and wondering what the inhabitants are like or what they might be doing every day? I can vouch that learning a language is one of the best ways to learn about them – without actually visiting the place in question.

Learning a language, the way it’s spoken, various dialects, those subtle differences in sounds that make huge differences in the meaning conveyed and techniques incorporated is one of the most effective and rewarding experiences. It makes me feel a connection to the place where it’s spoken and the place you eventually want to visit. Think of the advantages, you can live like a local, interact with people from the place in their own language – all of which just adds to the experience. And the locals will definitely appreciate the effort you’ve put in to learn their language.

My most trusted resources for language learning happen to be Pimsleur Language Programs, SpanishPod101, Coursera and Duolingo


How To Travel The World Without Moving An Inch

From here you can travel anywhere, without taking a step !

Newsflash! Libraries aren’t just for the Nerds, Alright? Frankly, I’m exhausted by the misconceptions on people who read. Be what may, there’s an inexplicable joy I feel every time I hold a book in front of me. I can’t really pinpoint the most mesmerising characteristic about them- the aroma, the feel of paper or the wondrous worlds it takes you in. But, there’s definitely a deeper connection while reading words than consuming any other form of content (videos). I have lived a thousand lives – thousands more yet to be lived and I’m just in my twenties. And it is rightly said, “From here, you can go anywhere in the world without ever taking a step”.

I truly believe the world will never get tired of books. Every new book opens a new portal, either to an existing or a fictional place. In all these years of existence and pursuit of knowledge – it is the only form of time and space travel that our world has perfected yet (TARDIS Whovians?). Yes, one could probably visit a place right now, but you will be visiting it in the present. No matter how hard you try, it is impossible to find your physical self in London 1920s. You can only find yourself in a place lost in time, or visiting the past – in the words of others and in our dreams. Let’s not forget the words of the Tenth Doctor – “You want weapons? We’re in a library. Books are the best weapon in the world. This room’s the greatest arsenal we could have. Arm yourself!”

So, do you need any further persuasion? Go pick up a book already. As it is rightly said book let you travel without moving your feet'​

Answered by aroranishant799


The required speech is as below:


Most members enjoyed The Namesake and felt it provided valuable insight into the immigrant experience. The book was able to balance the stories of Gogol's struggle to live in two worlds and Ashima's adjustment to another culture as an adult in addition to identifying as a child of a second generation of immigrants. The group also discussed how having valuable male children may have affected Gogol's experience as well. His sister Sonia had a better understanding of herself. Perhaps as a second born, without the intense scrutiny that Gogol would have faced, he had more freedom to find his place in the world. Being female can also help.

This also led to the discussion of Gogol's unusual relationship with women. While much of the story focused exclusively on Gogol, many members of the group felt that it was also a portrait of Ashima and his life. The scene in which Ashima puts her feet in Ashok's shoes was charmingly bold. Some readers felt that their married relationship was not very well developed, especially considering how close they became. Overall, despite a trailing ending, the group praised Lahiri's storytelling and writing style.


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