India Languages, asked by chanakyaCcdb, 1 year ago

speech on Family the first and best school
Please fast


Answered by saurabhrajarar

Regardless of what form family might take for you, one thing is certain – family shapes us. Our family is our first introduction to the world. It is also our first interaction with it. We learn the most basic and the most important social skills from our family. In addition, we also fulfil our emotional needs through them. Human beings are social animals, something that means that it is not possible for us to lead entirely solitary lives. Modern life is tough and stressful. Handling it becomes a lot easier if you have a support system behind you. That support system is your family.One of the main reasons family is essential to me is that we provide support and security for each other. This doesn’t only mean financial support but also emotional support. The knowledge that should something go wrong with my life, I won’t be alone makes me feel much more confident and ready to face the world.

Another reason family is very important to me is that they are the ones who love and understand me. Everyone has emotional needs. We are a species as reliant on our emotions as our intellect. For our well-being, both mental and physical, we need emotional connect. My family provides that to me in spades. They understand why I do the things I do and love me anyway. My family gives me unconditional love.

My family also gives me the feeling that I belong somewhere. They give me my roots. Knowing where I belong gives me the anchor I need to deal with everything the world throws at me.Having a family is such a basic necessity that often we take it for granted when we have it. Our families stay with us from our first breath to our last. They provide us with the foundation upon which we build ourselves. To me, my family is an extension of myself.

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