English, asked by SunshineDudette345, 1 year ago

Speech on 'fashion isnt all that important'


Answered by Anonymous


Fashion isn't all that important. But to blindly follow fashion is not good. If someone is fat,dark skinned,short in height or too tall then they may develop a complex in themselves. They may consider themselves as inferior. The fashion industry encourages an unrealistic outlook for men and women in regards to their bodies and their looks. Women and men have gone to great extremes to mold their bodies into what the fashion world has decided is "perfect", often disregarding their health and well-being, just to look like the air-brushed, rail-thin models that the industry has deemed beautiful. Societal problems, such as anorexia and teen violence, are exemplary as to why fashion can actually be harmful. The media pushes the idea of beauty, as it is associated with apparently emaciated super models and punks wearing baggy pants and chains. Our children try to emulate what they are seeing on television. Some restrict their eating to the point that their health suffers, and others steal and even resort to violence to obtain clothes that look like those their television heroes wear.

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