Speech on global warmng?
The word Global Warming is very familiar to our ears, One may have often heared this word once in his or her life. This is a natural and very dangerous process, which can not be handled by humans at any cost. Global warming is a process in which harmful gases like Carbon di oxide (Co2) , Carbon mono oxide (CO) etc , trapped the sun rays which are coming from Sun and this increased the temperature of Earth which also results in melting of glaciers.Global warming also has it's effects on oceans. Some Ongoing effects include rise in sea water level due to Thermal expansion and it is also proved scientifically.It also results in fire as the temperature is going to increase, the inflammable substance like Wood started burning that is very bad for environment and burning of woods produce a lot of harmful gases which may be toxic for us if we breath them. It also takes life of a lot of humans as well as it destroys the resouces of a particular country. Some examples are seen in countries like Brazil and Australia. Global warming is a sign of destruction of the Earth.