Speech on importance of adult education
There should be good education system for all the citizens to fight the social evils of poverty, unemployment, ignorance, ill-health, illiteracy, child abuse, molestation, etc in the society. All the social evils can be abolished only through the tool of education. There is illiteracy in the Indian society because of the lack of proper adult education. Adult education is the only tool to remove illiteracy from society. Adult education can be categorized under fundamental education, mass education of people, workers education, further education, basic education, community education and social education, etc in order to educate the people at different level. According to the Mahatma Gandhi, adult education can be said as education for life, through life and throughout the life.
Adult education is necessary for the personal enrichment of the people, effective participation in many areas like social, political, international level affairs, professional advancement, etc. Adult education improves individual peacefulness, enhances working efficiency, leads towards progress in life, strives the learning in society. Adult education is the part time education given to the 15-35 years age group people who never attempted or some schooling before. Adult education aims to prepare adult for an social, economic, civic and political role.
According to the survey, it is found that countries having low literacy level are economically backward which realizes the importance of adult education for the countries to progress. Adult literacy raises standard of living and brings economic development and social transformation in the country. Government of India has made the adult education as the matter of great appreciation under the project of “Education for All” by giving a call to million of adults for education.
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