speech on independence day title 'indians have miles to go '
Dear friends,
My heartfelt wishes for the 69th Independence Day. Probably here there is hardly anyone who woke up on the mid
night of 15th August 1947 to hear India’s tryst with destiny. We are born in an independent country and hence probably understand very little about insult of being governed by a foreign power. However, whenever we are away from the country we observe that non-resident Indians celebrating Independence Day with more vigour than people celebrate in the country itself. Probably it is the feeling of an identity as Indians which is behind such emotions.
The identity of being an independent country where sovereign power of deciding our destiny rests with us, brings about a huge responsibility on our shoulders. We, particularly the elite who are in this campus have got double the responsibility compared to a common man, to dedicate our services and life for the progress of the nation. This is because we are paid to an unimaginable extent, expecting that the outcome of this institution will lead the nation forward.The money spent on each student here would have been enough to have a village primary school.The money spent on each faculty member could have been enough to finance a small secondary school. The nation although constrained with resources did spend such a huge amount of common man’s money, only to expect that such institutions will contribute for the progress of the nation from which the people of this country will be benefitted. Hence before we point finger of anyone for the problem which the country faces, let us not forget that whenever we point finger at anyone three more fingers at the same hand point towards ourselves. We shall be failing our responsibilities as citizens of an Independent nation if we do not dedicate ourselves to the service of this nation. Taking steps for that can be making IIT Ropar a great institution dedicated to the service of the nation.
We are required to write a speech on the occasion of the independence day with the title 'Indians have miles to go.' The speech that will be given for the independence day function will be as under:
A very good afternoon all present here,
A very warm welcome and congratulations for entering into the fiftieth year of Independence. But actually, let's ask the question are we really independent? I think Indians have miles to go still to achieve this.
There are daily news articles about the injustice done to women and the weaker sections of society. How can we be free when injustice is still going on? We should first try to achieve the meaning of the saying independence to all by reducing and removing this injustice.
If we are able to achieve this goal and I know that we Indians still have miles to go for this only then can we truly celebrate Independence Day? Let's all work towards this common goal of achieving independence together.
Thank you all present here.
Head Girl
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