English, asked by sovik25, 1 year ago

speech on our state of mind always help us achieve success


Answered by ring8
Good Morning Friends
I hope that you all are enjoying your day so far! I am the motivational speaker and I am often called at schools and colleges to deliver speeches that can inspire young and aspiring student like you. I am very sure that each one of you want to achieve success in your life and if I ask you, what is more important for you ‘happiness’ or ‘success’; you would probably take seconds to choose ‘success’ as more important element of your life, which is good in a way. But happiness is something that can be achieved even without being successful.

Many people associate success with happiness and they feel that they can be happy only if they are successful which shouldn’t be the case because success is circumstantial and happiness is not. You can stay happy even if you don’t own a big bungalow, huge car or fat bank balance, etc. But the important thing is that you must first identify what makes you happy?

Everyone is looking for happiness but only very few people actually know what makes them happy in life. Even though life poses various challenges and obstacles in life; you should always be prepared to accept and overcome those challenges, but as far as our happiness is concerned there is no secret mantra for happiness and so you must try to find out where your true happiness lies. Always remember that your life would always be what you make it.

There are some basic rules which you must adopt if you want to stay happy and enjoy each and every moment of your life. The first and most important rule is to live in present. You might have failed in the past, but the best thing is to seek lesson from those and move forward as whatever might have happened in the past cannot be changed in the present; thus there is no gain in lamenting over the past. In addition, future is unseen; you cannot be certain about the circumstances that are likely to occur in the future. Thus, you shouldn’t make big plans about the future. Of course, you must be prepared for the circumstances but you cannot be certain about it. So trust me the best thing is to stay and live in the present because only that is what can be controlled and can make you happy.

Another important thing is to stay positive in your life and you must also watch your attitude towards your competitors and should never nurture ill feelings towards them. Always indulge into healthy competition and should never take your competition beyond a point where you start treating them as your rivals and get into any kind of enmity. You should only attempt to get ahead of them and not harm them in any ways. Having a compassionate attitude towards others is what will eventually give you happiness from within.
It is also important that you are not stubborn or adamant about anything. There is a difference between being persistent and being adamant and you should be able to differentiate between both. Your willpower must be strong enough to make you achieve what you want to; but you shouldn’t position your happiness on that particular thing itself. It is important that you are flexible enough to compromise on certain things.

Staying happy is everyone’s right, but it solely depends upon people as to what exactly makes them happy. Artificial or materialistic happiness is temporary; thus you must try to achieve the real happiness of your life.

Thank You!

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ring8: ohh
ring8: ohh
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