World Languages, asked by config7298, 11 months ago

speech on pen is mighter than sword in Punjabi language


Answered by Anonymous

The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

“If I get sword, I shall kill thee, Oh my mighty master! But if thou gives me a mighty pen, mightier than the sword of Alexander, I shall keep thy name immortally fresh” thus said Bismarck to his teacher Father Roader.

The controversy whether the sword is mightier than the pen or it is the pen which can overwhelm the sword, has been decided straight through. Now it has been established universally that the power and significance of the pen are much more than that of the sword. With the exception of certain foolish people, there is none in the modern world who would advocate the supremacy of the sword over the pen. Of course, in the good old days, when might was right, people did prefer the power of word to that of the pen.

The history of mankind bears written to the fact the power of word, in the long run fades into insignificance. Great and mighty conquerors like Alexander, Caesar, Nero, Timur, Babar and many others could not retain the short lived glory, which their conquests had given them. Of course, so long as they lived, they did maintain their fame but after their deaths the were regarded as murderers and blood spiller of the common people for their personal gratification. Even to this day they are condemned as enemies of peace. On the other hand the great heroes of the pen. Homer Shakespeare, Milton, Firdausi, Tagore to name a few, who gave new enlightenment to the world are remembered with adoration and respect. The great intellectual conquests, attained by these mightily heroes of the pen, can never dwindle into insignificance. In an age where violence in being abhored peaceful coexistence is the new mantra, the pen will always be mightier than the sword.

Answered by SelieVisa


Respected Principal, teachers and my fellow student friends. I wish you all a very good morning. I feel honoured to stand before you and share a few words on the topic The pen is mightier than the sword.

"The pen is mightier than the sword" is a proverb which celebrates the power of writing and expresses the fact that scholars are more powerful with words than warriors with swords. The power of a pen is mightier than that of the sword, which means, the power of writing is stronger than the power of war, hatred, and conflict.

A sword is capable of conquering the physical but the pen can conquer the mind and the heart of people. The achievement of the pen is through enlightenment of minds and not by at force or bloodshed. The influence of a pen is long lasting but the power of the sword is short-lived. The achievement of great kings and emperors are long gone. But the writings of ancient philosophers, teachers and preachers continue live and speak to us even today.

A sword may seems strong and powerful and a pen weak and powerless. Yet, in the long run the power of the sword ends in destruction and ruins. Whereas the power of a pen yields positive values generation after generation. The sword of a king can rule only his kingdom but the pen of a writer rules the entire world. Written words are more powerful and more effective than weapons. While the power of sword ends with death, loss, and destruction, the power of a pen brings hope, inspiration, motivation and encouragement.

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