English, asked by sreyareddy3, 1 year ago

speech on pushing your limits


Answered by Anonymous
I believe in pushing yourself and that pushing yourself works to make you better at anything. I believe that when you push yourself you learn. You learn many valuable things and you will gain positive things from pushing yourself but only if you know how to push yourself. Pushing yourself isn’t easy but it shows how strong you are in certain situations especially ones that aren’t easy. Knowing how to push yourself is what everyone needs to know before actually doing it. When I started having learning experiences where I could take something away that I would remember for the rest of my life I had to learn how to push myself. My whole life I have been pushing myself to do better or to do what’s right. It isn’t always physical but I’ve had physical situations to push myself. Pushing myself physically over the course of my life hasn’t been easy with asthma. I was never as physically shaped as I wanted to be because of having asthma so it made it hard for me to play sports and to just run around with my friends. The harder of the physical activities was conditioning for football when I started playing. Conditioning was mostly running which didn’t help but I couldn’t stop. I ran with the team and didn’t give up. I pushed myself to do better and better. Pushing my athletic ability to the limit has actually helped me get in shape and asthma doesn’t nearly have the effect as it used to. Pushing yourself to your limit also doesn’t have to be just physical it can be mental. A mental aspect to pushing yourself can be schoolwork. I was never one to want to do work in school. I always slacked and procrastinated until the last minute to do something and my grades in school reflected it. I was a C student at best when I didn’t try but my past 2 years of high school I was given the incentive to try and to keep my grades from falling and to be consistent and I have stayed consistent with grades and tests and my lowest grade turned out as an 80 when I decided to push myself to do my school work when I didn’t want to. Both aspects of pushing myself showed that the outcome to pushing yourself is never bad. Maybe at first you think it’s not working out but in the end it always works out.

Anonymous: Hope this helps you
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