English, asked by ramina, 1 year ago

Speech on real wealth is not measured in money and possession


Answered by Tathagata477
“Real Wealth is Never Measured in Money or Possession”  Most of us think of wealth as money, possession,property and power. But Real Wealth sees this type of wealth as only aportion of one's wealth. Money is just a tool but Real Wealth is something that makes life worthwhile because its worth is more than money, being wealthy includes positive personal relationships, achievement, and your spiritual well-being. In my point of view Real Wealth might not be measured in money or possessions but instead on the person and their values and beliefs. Like there might be a homeless person who has nothing except the clothes on his back,but he might be the most kind, gentle man you've ever met. He would have Real Wealth. The want of goods is easily repaired: but the poverty of the soul is irreparable.There is a difference between Real Wealth and Wealth. Real Wealth would be values, personality and stuff like that while Wealth would just be material prosperity and an abundance of possessions and money. Money buys everything except love, personality, freedom, silence and peace.It's good to have money and the things that money can buy, but it's good, too, to check up once in a while and make sure you haven't lost the things that money can't buy.Always remember, what you possess in the world will be found at the day of your death to belong to someone else, but what you are will be yours forever.

ramina: Thai
ramina: Thank you so much
Answered by dackpower

Speech on on real wealth is not measured in money and possession


Real wealth of Individual can never be measured in terms of property , money or materialistic things. In today's world real money is health and moral values of a person. 21st century has completely eroded among people where everyone became greedy for wealth. Moreover the lifestyle of person is the biggest culprit of good health. People are more inclined to spend hefty amount of money on junk food of biggest brands which deteroited the health and turn person fat and prone to several health issues. On the other hand loosening of moral values resulted in increased corruption where people can go to any level to earn money.

People in today' s world completely forgot that money cannot buy everything and pandemic of Corona virus proved this fact to entire world. Now people having money cannot save them due to bad health and these people are more vulnerable to this virus who dont have any medicine. Therefore real wealth is only ethics, values and wellness of life which cannot purchased by money

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