Political Science, asked by naaz546, 1 year ago

speech on swach bharat avyan


Answered by ritiktya

Good morning to all. My name is …… and I read in the class…. As we have gathered here on this great occasion, I want to say something in my own words in front of this big crowd about the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. I especially choose this topic because of the increasing need of the cleanness all around the India which can only be done by the support of each and every citizen of the country. The great person of India, Mahatma Gandhi had said that, “Sanitation is more important than Independence”. India is still a developing country because of the poverty, lack of education, lack of cleanliness and other social issues. We need to eliminate all the bad reasons from the society causing obstruction in the growth and development of our country.

Swach Bharat Abhiyan

And I think that cleanliness drive is the best start of eliminating social issues from the society as well as promoting the growth of country with its citizen’s individual growth. Only the success of cleanliness campaign may bring a huge positive change in the India. It belongs to the internal and external growth and development of everyone living in India which shows us the completeness of slogan of “Clean, Happy and Healthy Citizens imparts Healthy and Developed Nation”. Swachh Bharat Abhiyan or Clean India Campaign was started by the prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi in 2014 on the Gandhi Jayanti (145th birthday anniversary), 2nd of October.

Mahatma Gandhi was well aware of the weakness of the Indian rural people during his time of Indian Independence Movement. He dreamt of making this country a clean country and even he had emphasised a lot by many means among rural people however could not completed because of the incomplete participation of the people. After many years of independence, we are still living in the dirty environment and putting our lives on danger every moment. According to the data, around 30% of the rural people do not have safe access to the toilets and use open defecation system in the fields. The Indian President, Pranab Mukherjee has said while addressing to the Parliament in June 2014, “For ensuring hygiene, waste management and sanitation across the nation a “Swachh Bharat Mission” will be launched. This will be our tribute to Mahatma Gandhi on his 150th birth anniversary to be celebrated in the year 2019”.

In order to ensure the hygiene all over the country, it is very necessary to solve the problems of sanitation, safe toilet, and proper waste management. The prime minister of India, Narendra Modi has emphasised people about “Clean India” during his speech on August 15, 2014 on the Indian Independence day however the mission was launched successfully on 2nd of October in 2014. This mission has targeted its completion till 2019, the 150th birth anniversary of the Bapu. This mission targets to fulfil the sanitation facilities to all as well as eliminate all the unhealthy practices of people by 2019. It was 25th of September when the first cleanliness drive was started by the Indian prime minister. It is counted as the big awareness campaign in India which has become viral.

Proper hygiene and cleanliness has the capability to change the global perception about India and may attract more tourists every year which in turn may increase economy of India to a great level. According to this campaign, every Indian citizen has been requested to devote their 100 hours only annually for cleanliness in India. There is a norm to make separate toilets for boys and girls in each and every schools and colleges all over the India for the safety and hygiene by August 15, 2015. As a student and most importantly an Indian citizen, I too requests all the people gathered here to participate in this mission to compete it by 2019.

Jai Hind, Jai Bharat.

Answered by pkparmeetkaur


Good morning to the respected Principal, teachers and my colleagues. My name is……, I read in class…. First of all I would like say a big thank to my class teacher to give me some time on this great occasion to give my opinion on the big campaign of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan in front of you all. It is called that youths of the country are the future of the country. So, as being a citizen, student, and youth of the country I understood myself responsible for the country development and chosen this topic to improve the awareness about this mission among people of India. This mission is also called as the Clean India Mission or Clean India Campaign. It is a big national campaign run by the Indian Government in 2014 on 2nd of October. The date of launch of this campaign was chosen 2nd of October which is the birth anniversary of the Mahatma Gandhi because it was the dream of Bapu to make India a clean India.

The campaign of clean India was officially launched at Rajghat, New Delhi by the Prime Minister, Narendra Modi after cleaning the road by himself. This mission is the biggest ever cleanliness drive when approximately 3 million government employees including school and college students took part in the event. The Indian Prime Minister has nominated the nine famous personalities of the India while launching the campaign to initiate this campaign in their own regions as well as bring fluency in the drive. He also requested all those nine personalities to call another nine people to continue this chain (like a branching of a tree) until the each and every Indian gets involved in the mission because it has to be completed till 2019, the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi.





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