English, asked by re9nguptaestAlia, 1 year ago

Speech on the topic- NATURE IS OUR MOTHER,SO PROTECT IT AND DONOT DESTROY IT. please it's very urgent.I need to deliver this speech on coming Monday itself.


Answered by Lamboissocute
Nature has a certain presence or spirit. It's an almost indescribable feeling just to go out to the middle of the sea or into a forest and just sit there in awe of its beauty. Nature has a certain mystique and mystery to it that draws people to it. Nature, described as mysterious and secretive, is a recurrent theme throughout many stories. People sometimes call nature "Mother Nature” because it can heal, nurture, or destroy. Others believe it to a God because of the power it has over humans. She can bring joy or happiness. Storms, rain, snow, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions are caused by Mother Nature. It is showing its ugly and evil side. Nature can bring on bad weather, which can destroy and create total cause on humans. People's lives are very constant and predictable. But with nature, nothing is constant. That's a reason why it is so mysterious. With one snap from her fingers, she can kill or bring on life. Her tears of rain can bring joy or terror. It's an ugliness that nobody would want to experience. Warm weather, sunny skies, and a light breeze are brought upon the earth whenever Mother Nature feels happy. This brings up another conclusion that people like it when nature is calm and happy. Those who are ill find themselves in health again after feeling the spirit of nature. Most likely experiencing its beauty and respecting it. Mountain ranges, sunsets, oceans, and forests are all nature's work of art. Nature is something so big and powerful that people have nothing but respect for it. All the beauty that is seen in the wilderness took hard work for her to make. It has a lot of natural beauty that doesn't need makeup or nice clothes to look beautiful. While walking through a forest, you feel a sense of awe and power that can't be seen. You can feel a certain "presence.” . Nature is beautiful, this is something we all can agree on. Now, all of us have heard this that we should protect nature. ....Why? ....We should take care of nature because nature is life. Protecting the environment is crucial because we rely on it for our existence. Perhaps the most important reason for preserving nature is the benefits we receive from it. Although science and advanced technology are creating better ways for us to live, they have not been able to invent a way to live without the help of nature. In order to survive, we need certain conditions that only a healthy environment can give us. The primary element in those conditions is oxygen. Without it, humans would surely die; nevertheless, deforestation continues to increase. Hundreds of acres of the Amazon Rainforest are lost everyday due to economic and industrial development. What big corporations do not understand, or choose to ignore, is that the Amazon Rainforest produces around thirty percent of the Earth's oxygen. It not only keeps humans alive, but millions of other organisms depend on it as well. Conserving the rainforest, along with other forests, will only help human survival. . Just as forests give us the oxygen we so badly need, animals and plants provide us with the nutrients we also must have to exist. To abolish a random organism that we think means nothing to us can potentially disturb the entire balance of life and ultimately effecting us in disastrous ways. For instance, when oil companies, such as Exxon or Shell, construct oil platforms in the Gulf of Mexico, the entire balance of life in the vicinity is disrupted. Nature is our life and if we don’t have any forests, rocks, trees, plants, fruits, animals and many more things the whole world might, no, we will die if we don’t take care of nature because trees gives us oxygen and clean air, plants give us beauty to the world and food, fruits give us vitamins and minerals and forests are home to life. Therefore, if we continue contaminate nature, we will all have to face our en. So let us all take care of our nature and protect it and and our world!
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