Speech on water management
Good morning, and thank you for inviting me to speak to you today – and thank you for your hospitality and company last night.
The effective management of water quality and availability is a priority for this Government. Water is fundamental to our economic development and the New Zealand way of life. The range of uses and values in water is broad and together we face the challenge of meeting these needs now and for the future.
It is a pity that the real value of water is not realized. So much water is wasted. Indeed, we have no civic sense and so much water goes down the drain when we keep the taps running even when we are not using water.
God is so kind to us. He has given us so much water whether when we deserve it or not. When it rains, tons of water flows down to the seas and oceans through the water channels as we fail to harness it. It is of paramount importance that we should build dams, tanks and reservoirs to store water for the lean summer season when water is scarce even in rivers and canals.
We need water for drinking, bathing, washing and irrigational purposes. So, we must utilize it properly without wasting it. It is something deplorable that even more that 55 years after Independence still people in several villages and slum areas do not get pure and enough drinking water.
We’ll have to take some urgent measures in regard to management of water as the underground water-table in many states, particularly northern states, is falling sharply. If we fail to adopt a viable policy regarding water, we may have to fight disputes and battles for water
Water is one of the most necessary resources which is important for our survival.
But the amount of usable water is limited in our planet and that's why we have to preserve this precious substance for a hassle free future.
To apply the water management principles in our daily lifestyle,we should apply these points;
1) We should immediately close the water taps after our usage.
2) We should repair the leakage in the water pipelines.
3) We should harvest the rainwater.
4) We should avoid every procedures where water is massively wasting.
And many more.