Speech on we are prisoners of our physical comforts
We are all a part of “comfort zones” in which everything seems secure and familiar. With time, we unintentionally collect several habits that end up being a trap conjoint, yet opposed with comfort. Some of those collections manage to slide into our unconsciousness to define our behavior and thoughts. This deprives us from freedom of decision-making by implicitly eliminating alternatives and possible better solutions. We will be stuck in a prison of comfort as long as we let those destructive habits rule us. Periodical reviews and break out attempts from comfort zones are quintessential for every homosapian in order to progress.
HABITSHabits are repetitions we unintentionally do or pass through without questioning.
A human brain is programmable like a computer:They both get programmed by developing cycles to navigate/alternate between daily life tasks and procedures with less resources. It's usually difficult to change a habit without external interventions.