English, asked by synnindeyshona, 1 year ago

Speech sports should be played for fun not to build character


Answered by sawakkincsem
Sports can help build the character because sports teaches people how to win with dignity and the concept of winning is adapted in sports, so a person who plays sports tries to win or achieve other things in life as well. But at the same time if we look at the players they are being involved in drugs and other things which are not very suitable for people to follow, they participate in match-fixing and get involved in all other bad things as well. So if we look at this with that perspective then sports do not build character at all.

So there is no hard and fast rule that the sportsmen will have a good character and other people in different professions won't, this has more to do with the person himself and his own way of dealing with things rather than just restricting it to a specific profession. 
Answered by upenderjoshi28
             Sports Should Be Played For Fun: Not To Build Character

Sports are one of the most entertaining activities that have many benefits. Sports benefit the players in many ways. It is impossible to exclude some of the benefits and include the others. I strongly believe when we play a sport we not only experience immense thrill, but character building also takes place—whether we wish it or not. All of us have heard famous sayings such as ‘A healthy mind lives in a healthy body’, and ‘All study and no play makes Jack a dull boy’. Sports and games are undoubtedly the building blocks of the health and character of children. Their importance in the over-all and holistic development of children cannot be denied. Let’s see what happens when we play a sport.

Sports instill in us many values and virtues. The first is a sense of discipline. All sports are time bound activities. They start at fixed time, continue for a specified amount of time and then there is always ending time. The player has to do his best within the given time to win game. This time-limit makes him aware of the value of time. He prepares himself keeping the time in mind.

Secondly, games teach us focus and concentration. The player focuses on strategies to win a game. For example in order to score the target in a cricket match, he keeps the target in mind and plays accordingly. This enhances his focus.

Thirdly, sports teach us teamwork, camaraderie, and cooperation. A player has to play in coordination with other team members. He learns how to adjust and adapt in relation with others. This ability to work in a group and team is very essential in the current times. Later on I life one has to work always in a team, at work, research projects, or any type of work, it is all team work. So team work one learns the best at play ground.

Fourthly, sports teach us sportsmanship. We learn good etiquette and polite behavior with our opponents. Games also teach us how to accept defeat and further self-improvement. So sports indirectly help us build a strong character. We must encourage young children to play at least one sport regularly.

In conclusion it can be said sports are highly beneficial for us. They are source of fun and excitement. However, they also build our character. We cannot separate fun factor from character building while playing sports.

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