English, asked by Roh124, 9 months ago

Speech writing on Save Wildlife


Answered by Pɪᴋᴀᴄʜᴜɢɪʀʟ

In its recent report entitled Species Feeling the Heat: Connecting Deforestation and Climate Change, the World Wildlife Conservation Society drew attention to a wide gamut of issues. These issues included, among other things, change in land and sea temperatures, the changing pattern and intensity of rainfall and overall climate change. At the heart of the report was the urgent need to conserve wildlife throughout the world.

As global citizens it is our duty to save the rapidly vanishing greenery, the wildlife, the environment and thereby rescue Mother Earth from its present crisis. If we fail to do so, betrayed Nature would inevitably seek her revenge and we would have to brace for our doom in the not-so-distant future. Thus it is incumbent upon us to save our planet. Bearing this exigency in mind, the year 2010 has been declared by the United Nations as the ‘Year of Biodiversity’ in order to promote climate and environmental awareness among the masses.

Let us explore the reasons why wildlife conservation is topmost priority now. Hundreds of millions of people whose livelihood depend on forest resources are today hapless victims of deforestation. Lack of conservation by farmers in the highland regions often leads to deluge in the low-lying areas. Deforestation and lack of wildlife conservation also result in the precious loss of biodiversity.

Countless rare species of plants and animals are lost every day. This includes the loss of rare medicinal plants which substantially reduce the chance of finding new remedies or drugs for ailments that plague humankind. The indirect effect of the lack of wildlife conservation is the enhancement of infertility of soils, and droughts.

Destruction of forests and the lack of conservation lead to atmospheric changes, increasing the chances of recurrence of natural disasters, global warming, decrease in production of food grains. Lack of wildlife conservation also endangers the lives of the coastal population especially through the rise of sea level.

The depletion of the ozone layer increases the chances of occurrence of cancer and cataract. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is consumed by forests in terrestrial area and corals in the marine area. These two sinks of carbon are what have saved humankind from extinction due to global warming.

Answered by Anonymous



Save wildlife

The goal of environmental education is to create enthusiasm among children for a peaceful coexistence of humans and wildlife. Informing them about the benefits of nature conservation leads to a better understanding of this locally but also globally important issue. The increased awareness in turn could result in a better future. With strengthened personalities, environmental education and career opportunities in the eco-tourism sector we enable children better future prospects. Simultaneously, we support eco-tourism and finally make a step forward towards achieving our vision of promoting species protection.

Through a combination of changing climates, lost habitats, increased poaching, and increased food scarcity, there has been a lot of worrying news about lately concerning the fate of wildlife around the world. The gloom-and-doom reports can often make the situation seem entirely hopeless, however there is much that can be done in order to protect and conserve wildlife on a big and a small scale.

The eco-system is all about relationships between different organisms connected through food webs and food chains. Even if a single wildlife species gets extinct from the eco-system, it may disturb the whole food chain ultimately leading to disastrous results. Consider a simple example of a bee that is vital for growth of certain crops due to their pollen carrying roles. If bees get reduced in numbers, the growth of food crops would definitely lower owing to lack of pollination.


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