English, asked by anshika6991, 1 year ago

spoken on topic television​


Answered by pmcoach1


The television is one of the best things that science has helped to bring into being. The television is a source that provides everyone with a lot of entertainment.

Television brings a wide array of things to see starting from movies, music and it also helps to gain knowledge as there are a lot of educative and informative programs that are shown daily.

Television, also shortened to be called a TV or tele was invented by a Scottish scientist named John Logie Baird. The word television is coined from two words. Tele meaning distant and vision meaning sight/to see. The television was initially designed to show images in motion in monochrome (i.e. black and white) format. This later changed as technological advancements helped to further innovation as colour was now introduced. As of now, there are many manufacturers and various designs of the television. This was a significant improvement from the radio which could only pass across audio signals only.

Importance of the television

Since the invention of the television, it has helped immensely in broadcasting a lot of information. It serves as a medium for people to use as a means of advertising products and services, delivering entertainment right in the comfort of the home of the owner, helps in delivering news swiftly across the people and many programs are made to serve as education and a source of knowledge to everyone as it covers all the age groups. In recent times, a very high majority of households possess a television set and some of them possess more than one. Even as there are many advantages to this innovation, it also carries a little bit of demerits along with it.

I am not sure if u meant to speak on the topic of television or something else but I contributed okay

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