English, asked by thakku, 1 year ago

sppeches on humour and wisdom


Answered by m01purohit
Humour means something funny whereas wisdom means intelligence . We can give the example of Charlie Chaplin .. he was humourous while birbal was witty . Humour is something which makes someone laugh but wisdom is something which makes every one jealous about you ... why?? Because wisdom is a praiseworthy quality of yours... everyone is not witty in the world whereas every one can be funny
Answered by Omsaisingh

Humor and wisdom are two precious gifts that a human always wishes for. Not every human possesses this boon. Humour and wisdom go hand-in-hand. They are the two river banks which are physically severed but always intact for the flow of speech. Wisdom creates a healthy humour and humour is defined to be sarcastic yet funny.

As William Shakespeare said, “I would challenge you to a battle of wits, but I see you are unarmed.” He was droll and sarcastic at the same time. Wisdom and humour are your bread and butter when you engage in a conversation and try to sound dapper and snappy. Not every person on the planet is enriched with the blend of humour and wisdom. If someone is crowned with humour they will devoid wisdom while flipping the coin will represent a wise person with humour deficiency.


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