Square root of 2209 by division method
Division Method
To find: √2209 = ? by division method.
2209 | 47
16 |
87 | 609
| 609
Therefore, √2209 = 47
Note: To find square roots using division method, we need to know square values of numbers; 1² = 1, 2² = 4, 3² = 9, 4² = 16, 5² = 25, 6² = 36, etc.
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Square root of 276676 by division method.
- https://brainly.in/question/6474524
Given :
Number = 2209
To Find :
Square root of 2209
Number = 2209
We are supposed to find the square root of 2209
Group the digits into pairs
For digits to the left of the decimal point, pair them from right to left.
For digits after decimal point, pair them from left to right)
Thus we have, 22 09
Refer the attached figure for steps to be followed further
So, √2209 = 47
Hence Square root of 2209 is 47