square root of 725 step by step
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Simplify Square Root of 725
Simplify Square Root
Here we will show you step-by-step how to simplify the square root of 725. The square root of 725 can be written as follows:
√ 725
The √ symbol is called the radical sign. To simplify the square root of 725 means to get the simplest radical form of √725.
Step 1: List Factors
List the factors of 725 like so:
1, 5, 25, 29, 145, 725
Step 2: Find Perfect Squares
Identify the perfect squares* from the list of factors above:
1, 25
Step 3: Divide
Divide 725 by the largest perfect square you found in the previous step:
725 / 25 = 29
Step 4: Calculate
Calculate the square root of the largest perfect square:
√25 = 5
Step 5: Get Answer
Put Steps 3 and 4 together to get the square root of 725 in its simplest form: