English, asked by hatimhus63, 9 months ago

ASSIGNMENT (2020-2021)
M. MARKS: 80
ote: 1. Answers should be within the word limit prescribed.
Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow. (5x2=10)
In the early years of last century, a linen-weaver, named Silas Marner, worked at his
vocation in a stone cottage that stood among the nutty hedgerows near the village
of Raveloe, and not far from the edge of a deserted stone-pit. The questionable
sound of Silas's loom, so unlike the natural cheerful trotting of the winnowing-
machine, or the simpler rhythm of the flail, had a half-fearful fascination for the
Raveloe boys, who would often leave off their nutting or birds'-nesting to peep in at
the window of the stone cottage, counterbalancing a certain awe at the mysterious
action of the loom, by a pleasant sense of scornful superiority, drawn from the
mockery of its alternating noises, along with the bent, tread-mill attitude of the
weaver. But sometimes it happened that Marner, pausing to adjust an irregularity in
his thread, became aware of the small scoundrels, and, though chary of his time, he
liked their intrusion so ill that he would descend from his loom, and, opening the
door, would fix on them a gaze that was always enough to make them take to their
legs in terror. For how was it possible to believe that those large brown protuberant
eyes in Silas Marner's pale face really saw nothing very distinctly that was not close
to them, and not rather that their dreadful stare could dart cramp or rickets, or a wry
mouth at any boy who happened to be in the rear? They had, perhaps, heard their
fathers and mothers hint that Silas Marner could cure folk's rheumatism if he had a
mind and add, still more darkly, that if you could only speak the devil fair enough, he
might save you the cost of the doctor. Such strange lingering echoes of the old
demon worship might perhaps even now be caught by the diligent listener among
the gray-haired peasantry; for the rude mind with difficulty associates the ideas of
power and benignity. A shadowy conception of power that by much persuasion can
be induced to refrain from inflicting harm, is the shape most easily taken by the
sense of the Invisible in the minds of men who have always been pressed close by
primitive wants, and to whom a life of hard toil has never been illuminated by any
enthusiastic religious faith. To them pain and mishap present a far wider range of​


Answered by shagunkumari279


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