stanza wise explanation of the skylark by christina georgina
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William Wordsworth's poem "To the Skylark" is an ode to a bird known for its beautiful morning songs. In this poem, Wordsworth celebrates the lark as the only bird capable of soaring on high, but remembering where it came from, which is what makes its song so joyous.
In the first stanza, Wordsworth asks the lark whether it preferes to soar on high or spend time in its nest, and he concludes that the lark has the capacity for both.
In the second stanza, Wordsworth tells the lark to sing proudly of the plains and the earth while soaring on high. He speaks of the lark's love of its home and its "privilege" to sing.
In the third stanza, Wordsworth compares the lark to its counterpart, the nightingale (that only sings at night), and tells the lark that it has the better job. He tells the lark that it has the ability to use its song to connect "heaven" and "home."
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hi mate
here's your answer
The Skylark is a simple poem about a skylark that the poet saw on a sunny morning during her morning walk.
The bird was on sitting on top of a corn in a cornfield and singing to itself, oblivious to the white butterflies dancing on its wing.
As the poet paused to listen, she realized that the skylark’s mate would be somewhere around listening to the song as well for a longer period of time.
hope this helps you
please mark me as brainliest
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