State any four features of profession
Accountability. ...
Based on specialized, theoretical knowledge. ...
Institutional preparation. ...
Autonomy. ...
Clients rather than customers. ...
Direct working relationships.
The features of Profession:
1) Qualifications: Professionals must hold certain minimum qualifications or skills/talents. One cannot practise profession unless minimum qualification, knowledge and formal training are acquired.
2) Financial Returns: Professionals render services in consideration of certain monetary remuneration called fees, e.g., a doctor charges fees after giving medical treatment to a sick person. The amount of fees varies according to the type or nature of services rendered. Professional if employed in the organisation, gets salary. eg. A working Chartered Accountant in a company gets a monthly salary.
3) Capital: If a professional practises independently, he needs capital for setting up and establishing his practice. If a professional works under someone else, he requires no capital to practise his profession
4) Non-transferability: Profession cannot be transferred to any other person at the will of a professional. This is because profession requires prescribed qualification, training and skill, e.g. a lawyer cannot transfer his legal profession to his son or daughter who has not acquired the required qualification, training and skill.
5) Registration: A professions has to registration under the respective body or association eg. A Lawyer has to register himself with a council of India
6) Decision making: Professional can take his own decision as he is the owner
7) Nature of work: Professional offers expert services in exchange of fees. An architect designs the layout of office for fees