state five difference between a convex and concave mirror
1.If inner side of spherical mirror is reflecting, it is called as concave mirror.
2.Concave mirrors form real and inverted images.
3.The object in the image formed by the concave mirror look bigger than the original size of the object.
4.Concave mirrors form real and inverted images except when the object is between pole and focus.
5. Concave mirror is used in the solar furnace, the sun rays are focused at a point by the concave mirror.The concentrated beam of sunlight at a point increases the temperature at that point.
1.If outer side of the spherical mirror is reflecting, it is called as convex mirror.
2.Convex mirrors form virtual and erect images.
3.The images formed by the convex mirrors are diminished in nature.
4.Convex mirrors form virtual and erect images irrespective of the position of the object.
5.Convex mirror is used as the rear mirror of the vehicles because, the convex mirror enables a driver to view large area of traffic behind him by forming a small image of the vehicles.