state Pauli's exclusion principal and its significance.
The Pauli Exclusion Principle states that, in an atom or molecule, no two electrons can have the same four electronic quantum numbers.
As an orbital can contain a maximum of only two electrons, the two electrons must have opposing spins.
The Pauli Exclusion Principle states that, in an atom or molecule, no two electrons can have the same four electronic quantum numbers. As an orbital can contain a maximum of only two electrons, the two electrons must have opposing spins.
★ pauli's exclusion principle
☘ The number of electrons to be filled in various orbitals is restricted by the exclusion principle ,given by the Austrian scientist Wolfgang Pauli .
☘ According to this principle ; No two electrons in an atom can have the same set of four Quantum numbers .
☘ Pauli exclusion principle can also be stated as ; Only two electrons exist in the same orbital and these electrons must have opposite spin .
☘ This means that the two electrons can have the same value of three quantum numbers n, l and m1 but must have the opposite spin quantum number .