State Table : 4 Some Comparative data of Selected States IMR per 1000 Literacy Rate Net Attendance Ratio for (2016) (2011) Secondary Stage (2013-14) Haryana 33 77 61 Himachal Pradesh 25 84 67 Bihar 38 64 43 Terms used in the Table 4: IMR - Infant Mortality Rate. Out of 1000 live children bom. (the number of children who die within one year) Literacy Rate: It measures the percentage of literate population in the 7 and above age group. Set Attendance Ratio for Secondary Stage (NAR) NAR is taken for classes IX and X
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State Table : 4 Some Comparative data of Selected States IMR per 1000 Literacy Rate Net Attendance Ratio for (2016) (2011) Secondary Stage (2013-14) Haryana 33 77 61 Himachal Pradesh 25 84 67 Bihar 38 64 43 Terms used in the Table 4: IMR - Infant Mortality Rate. Out of 1000 live children bom. (the number of children who die within one year) Literacy Rate: It measures the percentage of literate population in the 7 and above age group. Set Attendance Ratio for Secondary Stage (NAR) NAR is taken for classes IX and X
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Bihar state has the lowest net attendance ratio at the secondary stage.
• Bihar state net attendance ratio is 43% at the secondary stage.
• When compared to the other two states Bihar has poor conditions.
• The public facilities are low and health conditions also very poor that's why net attendance ratios are low.
• Bihar state has more illiterate people because parents not afford the money on education.
• Their incomes are also low so they can't send their children to school so students dropouts are increased in Bihar state.
• These are the reasons for the Bihar state has the lowest net attendance ratio at the secondary stage.
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