State the charachteristics of animals of phylum mollusca . Give its four examples.
Characteristics of phylum mollusca are:
(1) They have soft and unsegmented body which is enclosed in a fold of skin called mantle and a hard and brittle shell.
(2) Their body is bilaterally symmetrical,triploblastic and coelomate.
(3) Body is divided into head,foot and visceral mass.
(4) Their shells are calcareous in nature.
(5) Foot is ventral and helps in creeping and burrowing.
Examples : Snail,Chiton,Mussel and Octopus
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Hope it helps...
body of these animals is soft and slimy. hence they are referred as mollusc.
large phylum in animal kingdom.
these animals are aquatic or terrestrial.
they are marine,but few are fresh water dwellers too.
body is triploblastic,eucoelomate,no segmented and soft.
there body is bilateral symmetry.
visceral mass is covered with mantle . mantle secretes a hard,calcareous shell.
this shell may be external or internal or even absent in some cases.
These animals are unisexual.
EXAMPLES : 1 Bivalve
2 Snail
3 Octopus.