Social Sciences, asked by arnav107, 1 year ago

state the factors affecting soil formation


Answered by ItzBrainlySehaj


Several factors affect soil formation-parent rock, relief, climate, vegetation and time.

Parent rock

Parent rock refers to organic and mineral material in which soil formation begins. Mineral material includes weathred rock, ask from volcanos, sediments move land deposited by wind water, or ground up rock deposited by glaciers. Parent rock determines colour, texture,chemical properties, mineral content, permeability.


Altitude and slope determine the accumulation of soil.


Temperature, rainfall influence rate of weathering and humus.

Flora, Fauna and Micro-organisms

They affect the rate of humus formation.


The longer a soil surface has been exposed to soil farming agents like rain and growing plants, the greater the development of the soil profile soils in recent alluvial or windblown materials or soils on steep slopes where erosion has been active may show very little horizon development.

Hope it helps you...

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