Economy, asked by VAC, 1 year ago

State the factors that affect demand for a commodity


Answered by avinash1234567
competaters who produce make similiar products

outdated iteams can make the sale of the product less

goods conditions determine a. huge factor too

avinash1234567: please can you mark as branliest as more answer comes
Answered by Anonymous

The factors that affect demand for a commodity are:

☛ Expectation: if the consumer expects that price and feature will rise, then he buy more quantity at exhining price and on the other hand, if he hope price in further will fall, he willbuy less quantity in present.

☛ Complementary goods: those goods which are used together to satisfy humans wants are known as complementary goods.

For example- petrol and car, in case of these hoods, a fall in price of one chase increase in demand of other goods.

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