State the functions of Samiti and Sabha in early and later vadic period
The term Sabha denotes both the assembly (in early Rig-Vedic) and the assembly hall (Later Rig-Vedic). RigVeda speaks of the Sabha also as a dicing and gambling assembly, along with a place for dancing, music, witchcraft, and magic. ...
later period
you can write 2 -3 points you want to
-Sabha acted as a court of justice as it is said that “one who attends the Sabha sits as a law court to dispense dharma Justice”.
-The Chief of the sabha was called as the sabhapati, the keepers as sabhapala and the members as sabheya, sabhasad, or sabhasina
-Rules were framed to govern the debate in sabha.
-Sabha also acted as a court of justice as it is said that “one who attends the Sabha sits as a law court to dispense dharma Justice”.
-Samiti was the larger General Assembly of the people and it was different than Sabha in terms of function and composition. The Sabha was a smaller selected body, which functioned as the lower court.
-Due to increase in complexity of the society and political structure, some new officials were appointed by the state namely −
Suta (charioteer),
Sangrahitri (treasurer),
Bhagadugha (collector of taxes),
Gramini (head of a village),
Sthapati (chief judge),
Takshan (carpenter),
Kshatri (chamberlain), etc.
-The punishments for the crime were rather severe.
-The law was also very clear on the question of inheritance of property, ownership of land, etc.
-The father’s property was inherited by sons alone.
-The daughters could inherit it only if she was the only child or there were no male issues.