Physics, asked by rheamariaruben, 1 year ago

State the law of floatation.


Answered by TyronLannister


\setlength{\unitlength}{20}\begin{picture}(0,0) \put(2,2){\line(1,0){15}} \put(2,2){\line(1,1){5}}\put(17,2){\line(-1,1){5}}\put(7,7){\line(1,0){5}}\put(12,2){\line(0,1){5}}\put(7,2){\line(1,1){5}}\put(2,1.5){$\tt A$} \put(17,1.5){$ \tt B $}\put(7,1.5){$ \tt E $}\put(12,1.5){$ \tt D $ }\put(6.5,7){ $ \tt D $}\put(12.5,7){$ \tt C $} \put(5.5,2.5){\vector(-1,0){3}}\put(5.5,2.5){\vector(1,0){2}}\put(4.5,3){ $ \tt 42 cm $ }\put(3,4.5){ $ \tt 17 cm $ }\put(8,4.5){$ \tt 17 cm $ }\put(8.5,7.3){ $ \tt 42 cm $ }\put(12,4){ $ \tt 15 cm $ }\put(15,4.5){ $ \tt 17 cm $ }\put(9,1.5){\vector(-1,0){1.5}}\put(10.5,1.5){\vector(1,0){1.5}}\put(9.2,1.5){ $ \tt 8 cm $ }\put(7,1){\line(1,0){10}}\put(17,0.5){\line(0,1){1}}\put(7,0.5){\line(0,1){1}}\put(11,0.5){ $ \tt 16 cm $ }\put(2,0){\line(1,0){15.5}}\put(2, - 0.5){\line(0,1){1}}\put(17.5, - 0.5){\line(0,1){1}}\put(8.5, - 0.5){ $ \tt 58 cm $ }\end{picture}

Answered by BabyBold07


When a body floats with its volume partially above the liquid surface, the volume of the liquid displaced by the body is equal to the volume of submerged portion of the body. Since the body is in equilibrium, the force of buoyancy acting on the body must be equal to its weight. This is known as the law of floatation.

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