Political Science, asked by gayathrisacttivel200, 7 months ago

state the main features of democrcy


Answered by Anonymous


Some of the major features of a democracy are:

#The final decision making power rests with those elected by the people.

#It must be based on a free and fair election.

#Each adult citizen must have one vote and each vote must have one value.

#It should rule within limits set by constitutional law and citizens' rights.

Answered by pinkisagar1209


1. Popular Sovereignty:

Democracy is based on sovereignty. People can exercise their power in democracy. They elect their representatives. The government remains responsible to the common mass for its every omission and commission.

2. Political Equality...

Democracy is based on political equality. It means all citizens irrespective of caste, creed, religion, race or sex are considered to be equal before law and enjoy equal political rights. Political equality gives the right to vote to every citizen.

3. Majority Rules:

In a democratic set-up actual government is carried out with the help of the party which obtains the majority of votes. Support of majority is accepted by all.

4. Federal:

It is another feature of Indian democracy. The Article 1 of Indian Constitution describes India as a union of states. According to our Constitution, the states are autonomous. They have full freedom in certain matters, and in some other matters they are dependent on centre.

5. Collective Responsibility:

In the Indian democracy, the Council of Ministers both in states and centre are collectively responsible to their respective legislatives. No minister is alone responsible for any act of the government. The entire council of ministers are responsible for all the activities.

6. Formation of Opinion:

Democratic government must provide institutions through which public opinion on various matters can be formed. Legislature provides the most important platform to estimate and express the public opinion.

7. Respect for Opinion of Minority:

In a democratic set up majority rules but opinions of minorities are also given respect. They are encouraged to give their opinion. Democracy being a government by free discussion and criticism encourages both the positive and negative aspects of any proposal. The majority must tolerate the opinion of the minority otherwise democracy will degenerate into authoritarianism.

8. Provision for Rights:

Democracy provides the individual dignity by giving various rights to the individual. For example, the right to freedom of speech and expression, right to form association or union, educational and cultural rights.

9. Rule of Laws:

In democracy there is rule of law. It means supremacy of law over all. Under any circumstance law cannot be compromised.

10. Rule by Consent:

Democracy is based on consent in general but not on force or coercion. By collecting consent from majority through dialogue, debate and discussion the problems can be solved.

11. Implies open Society:

Democracy implies free and open society. Every activity of the government is based on the public opinion. Different associations, unions, organisations are formed to discuss the problems openly and to find out solution for the problems.

12. Government by Compromise:

Democracy is a government by adjustment and compromise. Different opinions are to be considered within the ruling party and outside of the party. There is plurality of ideas to which the government has to take into consideration.

13. It is a welfare Government:

Most of the democratic countries have welfare government. Democracy is a powerful weapon through which all round welfare is possible. As a welfare government it retains individual’s freedom, liberty, dignity etc.

14. Independent Judiciary:

Democracy is characterised by independent judiciary. The judiciary does not depend on executive or legislature. No government organ can influence judiciary.

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