state the method to tuned the IFT
". It has been shown to compare favourably with identification-based schemes in simulation examples:
Its accuracy has been analyzed
It has been successfully applied to the flexible transmission benchmark problem posed by I.D. Landau for ECC95, where it achieved the performance specifications with the simplest controller structure
It has been tested on:
the flexible arm of the Laboratoire d’Automatique deGrenoble
on a ball-on-beam system
for the temperature control of a watertube
for the control of a suspended plate
has been adapted to linear time-invariant MIMO systems
has been shown to handle time varying, and in particular periodically time-varying, systems
it has been applied by the chemical multinational Solvay S.A. to the tuning of PID controllers for a number of critical control loops for which opening the loop or creating limit cycles for PID tuning was not allowed: ... temperature control in fumaces, in distillation columns, flow control in evapo- rators, etc.