State the reasons for the collapse of the Tsarist autocracy in 1917.
The Tsarist autocracy collapsed in 1917 due to the following reasons— (a) Miserable Condition of the Workers (i) The industrial workers in Russia got very low wages. (ii) They had very long working hours, sometimes upto 15 hours.
☞Question :
State the reason for the collapse of the Tsarist autocracy in 1917.
☞Answer :
The reasons for the collapse of the Tsarist autocracy in 1917 are as follows -
(i)The condition of the workers and peasants was miserable.
(ii) The industrial workers in Russia got very low wages.
(iii) They had very long working hours.
(iv) Large no. of workers were unemployed.
(v) Peasants were landless and poor.
(vi) Peasants had to do free labour for landlords.
(vi) Small farmers had to pay high land revenue.
(vii) Farmers wanted reduction of land revenue.
☞More to know :
Tsarist autocracy is an autocracy specific to the Grand Duchy Moscow , which later became Tsardom of Russia.