State the various uses of cotton fibre
Various products are made from cotton. 63 percent of the cotton fibres are used in apparel manufacturing, 29 percent in home furnishings, and 8 percent in manufacturing of Industrial products. The fibre that is separated from cotton called lint is used for making fabrics, automobile products, cords etc. The linters obtained from cotton seeds are rich in cellulose. Fibres taken from the cotton plant is used for making paper, cardboard etc. Hull of cotton is used as fertilizer. Cotton is an important fibre for the manufacturing of towels, wash clothes; bath robes etc and contribute to nearly 100 percent of the total market. It is used to manufacture every type of clothing including in-flight space suits, and has a major contribution towards boys and mens clothing with more than 70 percent of the market with jeans, jackets and other garments.
With different finishing process applied to cotton fibres, various special materials are made which are put to different uses. It is effectively used in fishnets, coffee filters, tents and book binding. Fire hoses were earlier made out of cotton. In industrial uses of cotton, grades defined by the US Department of Agriculture are generally accepted as the world standards for cotton fibre quality
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