state three conclusions drawn by Rutherford from the Alpha particle scattering experiment
2-some alpha particles were slightly deflected their straight path.
3-very few alpha particles were either deflected by very large angles or completely bounced back....
Hope this will help you....
Explanation :
In order to explain the structure of atom, Rutherford performed the scattering experiment.
For this, he took Gold foil and passed Alpha rays through it. The source of these Alpha rays was radioactive substance which was kept in a Lead block (as Lead is inert towards it). These rays were made to pass through a slit. Alpha rays are actually positively charged rays consisting of Helium nucleus (He). To notice the scattering of rays, he fitted movable screen made of florescent material around the gold foil.
Following observations were made: -
A. Some rays passed straight.
B. Some rays were deflected through small & large angles.
C. Some rays rebound back.
Conclusion drawn:
Most of the space in atom is empty.
There is something in center of an atom called Nucleus.
Nucleus is +vely charged.
So, According To Rutherford ,structure of an atom is similar to solar system.