state two differences between fundamental and derived units with two examples
For example: Length, mass, time, temperature, electric current, amountof substance. Derived quantities are those physical quantities that arederived from the combination of fundamental quantities. It is a dependent quantity. For example : force, density, volume, momentum etc.
Differences between fundamental unit and derived unit
Fundamental Unit
(1)Fundamental units are all those units which are independent of any other unit (including themselves).
(2)Fundamental units cannot be broken down into elementary level; in fact, these are elementary unites.
(3)Examples of fundamental units along with physical properties are:
Length (Meter, m)
Mass (Kilogram, kg)
Time (Second, s)
Derived Unit
(1)Derived units are all those units which are obtained by multiplying and/or dividing one or more fundamental units with or without introducing any other numerical factor.
(2)Derived units can be broken down to its elementary level (composed of fundamental units).
Fundamental units cannot be expressed in terms of derived units. Derived units can be expressed in terms of
(3)Examples of derived units:
Velocity (m/s)
Acceleration (m2/s)
Momentum (kg-m/s)
Force (N)
Density (kg/m3)
Heat (J)
Energy (J)
Power (W), etc.