steps involved from collection of milk from village to supply of milk packets at different homes
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The milk is brought from the farm (or collecting centre) to the dairy for processing. All kinds of receptacles have been used, and are still in use, throughout the world, from 2 – 3 litre calabashes and pottery to modern bulk-cooling farm tanks for thousands of litres of milk.
Formerly, when dairies were small, collection was confined to nearby farms. The microorganisms in the milk could be kept under control with a minimum of chilling, as the distances were short and the milk was collected daily. Today the trend is towards progressively larger dairy units. There is a demand for a higher production and increased quality of the finished product. Milk must be brought from farther away and this means that daily collection is generally out of the question. Nowadays, collection usually takes place every other day, but the interval can sometimes be three days and even four.
Formerly, when dairies were small, collection was confined to nearby farms. The microorganisms in the milk could be kept under control with a minimum of chilling, as the distances were short and the milk was collected daily. Today the trend is towards progressively larger dairy units. There is a demand for a higher production and increased quality of the finished product. Milk must be brought from farther away and this means that daily collection is generally out of the question. Nowadays, collection usually takes place every other day, but the interval can sometimes be three days and even four.
in flowchart
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plz understand from this answer my friend

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