story on money is the root cause of all evil
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Money is the root cause of all Evil
Their is a married women with a character of greediness and selfishness for money even though she is poor. Her husband is a wood cutter who goes to the forest for cutting the trees. One day he found a beautiful shell under a tree , so he took it to show his wife. After seeing that his wife was amazed by seeing it. That night after everyone slept her husband felt thirsty and got up to drink water ,when he for drinking suddenly he saw a smoke coming out of shell which was like a genie. Surprisingly the genie was a wish fulfilling genie it asked the woodcutter what is his wish since he is not greedy he didn't ask anything. Next day he said this to his wife. She said him to ask for bag of gold and a necklace with the most precious gems in the world and to have servant without any fee and m,any more .when he asked all this to the genie it fulfilled everything he asked the next day also she went by herself to ask a wish. Already the genie was tired in full filing all the wish when she asked for a his mansion in the world the genie got angery and made the house the most ugliest one and took all the things which is gave to them. The woman felt pity for being so greedy .
Moral: love of money is the root cause of evil (or) be happy with what you have ..
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