Stracture and affinities of hormiphora
Structure of Hormiphora
Enteron or Gastro Vascular System of Hormiphora
Histology of Hormiphora
The Nervous System of Hormiphora
Reproductive System of Hormiphora
Development of Hermiphora
i. Hormiphora is pear-shaped, glossy, transparent, about 5-20 mm in diameter
ii. From the opposite sides of the broad or aboral end, project two long, solid tentacles;
a. The tentacles bear numerous lateral branches containing adhesive cells and
b. Are completely retractile into deep sheaths.
iii. Mouth, a slit-like opening present at the narrow oral end.
iv. Eight ad-radially arranged, equidistant meridional bands, the comb-ribs or costae or swimming plates, starting from near the aboral pole and extending about two-thirds of the distance towards the oral pole are present on the surface. These help in swimming.
a. A row of transversely arranged comb-like structures of narrow plates, frayed at their outer ends constitute a comb-rib.
b. The combs are formed by the fusion of rows of cilia at their proximal ends.
v. An aboral sense organ is present in the depression at the centre of the aboral pole.