strengthening indigenisation will make india a superpower.and people have to go outside the india and big name of india
because india is developing country
India our country is a unique and democratic country having more than one languages,religion and economics containing immense diversity in culture and traditions. Our India is not built on uniform nationalisum but embraces diversity.
According to my views of point every citizen of India ask a question that when will India become our superpower. My vision as a citizen of India would be make India our superpower, both in economic and military term. To make the country superpower we need bigger achievement in the feild of education, health,technology or enovation. Above all these we also need a dominate student to play a key role in in making New India.
I totally disagree that sending our contry people to other country. Doesn't lead any advantage to us. Because getting higher rays and beeter employment in jobs and they do not think about there own country India