Physics, asked by navsripathi96, 1 year ago

String theory and trace anomaly in semiclassical gravity?


Answered by amira93
The question has actually two quite distinct parts: 1) the presence of the anomaly and its form and 2) the possibility of interpreting it as the emergence of an extra degree of freedom at the classical level with its own EOM and a specific stress energy tensor satisfying the constraint Trace (T_mu_nu) = some function of the curvature
Answered by ryan567
what does string theory have to say about the trace anomaly in the expectation value of the stress energy tensor of massless quantum fields on a curved background and its interpretation as the emergence of an extra scalar degree of freedom in the semiclassical limit of GR + QFT? Is it something that can be proved? that emerges naturally? Or that can be shown to be false?

The question has actually two quite distinct parts:
1) the presence of the anomaly and its form and
2) the possibility of interpreting it as the emergence of an extra degree of freedom at the classical level with its own EOM and a specific stress energy tensor satisfying the constraint Trace (T_mu_nu) = some function of the curvature.

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