English, asked by prodipsardar0191, 7 months ago

Study each of the flow charts and w
1. Use the following flow chart to write a paragraph (in
about 100 words) on how to prepare orange juice:
Abints : Orange bought from the market-sorted-
rotten ones removed - cleaned -peeled-put in
juicer -juice extracted - sugar and preservatives
added-poured in bottles - sealed - ready to be sold.]
/ Barasat PCS Govt. High School)
2. Study the following flow chart and describe how​


Answered by ananditanunes65


Firstly when you buy oranges and bring them home, sort the rotten ones out and clean the fresh ones i.e. peel them, remove the seeds and put them in the juicer. Extract the juice and add preservatives and sugar. Pour the juice in a jar. seal it. The juice is ready to be sold.

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