Economy, asked by Livingleagend2253, 7 months ago

Study the following case study and answer the questions 3-5.

Measures of central tendency or averages are used to summarise the data. It

specifies a single most representative value to describe the data set.

Arithmetic mean is the most commonly used average. It is simple to calculate

and is based on all the observations. But it is unduly affected by the presence

of extreme items. Median is a better summary for such data. Mode is generally

used to describe the qualitative data. Median and mode can be easily

computed graphically. In case of open-ended distribution, they can also be

easily computed. Thus, it is important to select an appropriate average

depending upon the purpose of analysis and the nature of the distribution.

3. Which of the following is qualitative data where Median and mode can be best

calculated? 1

(a) Gender (b) Population

(c) age (d) income

4. Which of the following is TRUE in case of open- ended distribution? 1

(a) The upper and lower limit of the classes are same.

(b) The upper and lower limit of the classes are not equal.

(c) The lower and upper limit of the classes are not found.

(d) The lower limit of the class is found and upper limit of the class is not


5. Mode can be shown with the help of Multiple bar diagram. 1

(a) True (b) False

6. The arithmetic mean is 136.5 and standard deviation is 37.32. The co-efficient

of variation is__________.​


Answered by himanshuvaja56






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