subhash chandra bose concept of socialism
Subhash Chandra Bose was a charismatic leader of the Indian freedom movement. He was an ardent nationalist and believed in the virtues of honesty, integrity, bravery and courage. He was a warrior hero and a revolutionary leader. He loved his motherland and did not give importance to the narrow differences of class, caste, and religion. He was moved by the sufferings of the people.
He said that political emancipation was necessary to achieve social and economic change. He believed that compulsory free education was the answer to solve the problem of illiteracy. Education would help the people to make the best use of universal suffrage and make democracy a success. He was in favour of a State controlled educational system like the U.S.S.R.
He wanted the future National Government to adopt a comprehensive scheme for gradually socializing the entire agricultural and industrial system in India. He sought economic reconstruction and industrialization based on modern scientific and technological methods to overcome the appalling poverty, umemployment and low standard of living. According to him liberty signified social, political and economic freedom.