English, asked by kantarani086, 11 months ago


TT - 2HRS. MM- 40
1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions or complete the sentences that follow: (6)
Chimpanzee is one of the great Apes and the nearest in intelligence to man. Scientists have examined its mental capacities and sent it into space in anticipation of man. Chimpanzees need little description. Being aps and not monkeys they, have no tails. Their arms are longer than their legs and they normally run on all fours. They can also walk upright with toes turned outwards. When erect they stand 3-5 feet high. The hair is long and coarse, black except for a white patch near the rump. The face, ears, hands and feet are bare and except for the black face, the flesh is coloured.
Chimpanzees exhibit great concern for each other. When chimpanzees meet after having been apart they greet each other in a very human way by touching each other or even clasping hands. Chimpanzees have amazing social discipline. When a dominant male arrives, the rest of the chimpanzees hurry to pay respect to it. The dominant male is not allowed to wrest food from his inferiors. The members of a party also spend a considerable amount of time grooming each Other and themselves. Mothers go through the fur of their babies for any foreign particles, dirt and ticks and they aid each Other when they are injured.
Chimpanzees are the best tool users apart from man. Sticks 2 - 3 feet long are picked Off the ground or broken from branches and pushed into nests, then withdrawn and the honey or insects licked off. Stones are used to crack nuts or as missiles to drive humans and baboons away from its food. Chimpanzees are not only toolusers but also toolmakers. They make their own rods by stripping the leaves of a twig or tear shreds off a grass stem. Baby chimpanzees learn all this by observing the older chimpanzees making and using them. So, man is not the only tool maker, but are merely better at it than his relatives.
Answer the following questions:
a) Chimpanzees are as.............as men.
b) Chimpanzees greet each Other by...............each other.
c) Like men chimpanzees are........................... .
d) Chimpanzees............tails.
e) Baby chimpanzees learn all by...............
f. Chimpanzees have amazing......... .
SECTION - B ( Writing Skills)
B. Water is very precious. Some scientist even go to the extent of saying that the third world war may be fought on the issue of water. Keeping in view the need for saving each drop of water write a speech in your own words. You are Natasha / Rohan a resident of Jalandhar. (4)
C. Complete the following sentences by choosing the correct "Modal" from those given in brackets:
1. We ........ work or starve. (Must/ought to)
2. He was sorry that he......... not attend the meeting. (Could/Can/ Must )
D. Fill in the blanks with suitable Articles:
1. He was struck by.........arrow.
2. ...........ewe is standing in...........field.
E. Read the following sentences and write 'T' for transitive verbs and 'I' for intransitive verbs:
1. Jeffrey bought the boat yesterday.
2. Jordans sympathies rest with the defendants.
F. You the correct form of the verbs given in brackets:
1. As Mohan............(run ) to jump over the ditch, he..........(slip) and............(twist ) his ankle. We .........(have) to carry him home.
SECTION - D Literature
G. Answer the following questions in 30 to 40 words: (8)
Q1. How was Grandmother convinced to keep Tutu as a pet?
Q2. Which sentence was underlined in red in the newspaper cutting? Why?
Q3. Who was Rich Belanger?
Q4. Why does man scorn others?
H. Read the given extract and answer the questions that follow: (4)
Where love will bless earth
And peace its paths adorn.
Q1. What does the poet want the earth to bless with?
Q2. What is the theme of the last line?
Q3. Name the poem and the poet.

Q1. What was the age difference between Manjula and her younger brother?
A. A year
B. Two years
C. Three Years
D. Five years
Q2............ will blights our day?
A. Avarice
B. Anger
C. Tiredness
D. Intolerance
Q3. Poet has compared Joy with............
A. Gem
B. Pearl
C. Ruby
D. Sapphire
Q4. Manjula was unable to hide her............
A. Hands
B. Feet
C. Eyes
D. Nose
Q5. To whom Manjula parlekar showed her first painting?
A. Brother
B. Father
C. Mother
D. Friends
Q6. What was name of pet purchased by grandfather?
A. Polly
B. Tutu
C. Tikku
D. Duggy
Q7. Who followed on Ruby and Rocky to jeweller's shop?
A. Tutu and grandmother
B. Tutu and grandfather
C. Tutu and narrator
D. Tutu and dog
Q8. Who was Rocky?
A. Fiance of aunt Ruby
B. Family consultant
C. Lawyer of aunt Ruby
D. Minister
Q9. What was the name of Manjula's younger brother?
A. Amol
B. Anmol
C. Nirmol
D. Samol
Q10. Rich Belanger played.............
A. Soccer
B. Cricket
C. Volleyball
D. Table tennis


Answered by sharaparveen350






I am writing this letter to request you please change my classroom seat to the front. As I am sitting in the back, I am unable to see the black board because of my eyesight problem. Due to my eyesight problem I am unable to keep up with what is written on the board and note anything down from the black board.

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