subtypes of epithelial tissue
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subtypes of epithelial tissue are
- squamous epithelium
- stratified squamous epithelium
- columnar epithelium
- glandular epithelium
- cuboidal epithelium
there are five types of epithelial tissues
1. Simple squamous epithelium
2. Stratified squamous epithelium
3. Cuboidal epithelium
4. Columnar epithelium
5. Glandular epithelium
1. Simple squamous- transports substances through permeable membrane
2. Stratified squamous epithelium- protects against damage
3. cuboidal epithelium- provides mechanical support
4. Columnar epithelium- secretion
5. Glandular epithelium- secrets products on a surface
1. Squamous epithelium- linning of blood vessels, linning of mouth,lung alveoli (cells in lungs)
2. Stratified squamous epithelium- linning of oesopagus
3. cuboidal epithelium- linning of uterus, mammary glands
4.Columnar epithelium- inner linning of stomach, small and large intestine
5. Glandular epithelium- salivary glands, endocrine and exocrine glands
1. Squamous epithelium- flat
2. Stratified squamous epithelium- made up of layers
3.cuboidal epithelium-cube like structure
4. Columnar epithelium- columns/pillars
5.Glandular epithelium- folded